Tuesday, May 16, 2017


de: Youssef Rothschild para: joao milton prata de andrade data: 19 de abril de 2017 12:07 assunto: enviado por: hotmail.com assinado por: hotmail.com criptografia: Padrão (TLS) Saiba mais I know the mark to the name of the beast and i know the name of the mark #bringing the Angel of death from darkness to light for the Nations to see death is just an illusion.... I process the engery to do all that I AM saying through the death Trinity that I can use to illustrate light due to the power granted through the use of music.... Trust me I know the rapture cipher code to solve the war of amaggeddon i can eliminate any delusional treat .....Islam can be compel to accept music as life and focus on love and not hate... Dey will stop killing trust me they will also see what i see and see me project the light to the nations to see i can see the Revelation because it here talking to you be because I AM the only man on this earth granted to read the full book of the spiricual book of apocalypse i would be honnored if you stand by me and lets make a better world....I AM here to illustrate the actions of Lucifer for you to the the true light of the N.W.O ...I have the illusions power of the Sun ...I know we can make the moon a very full moon...depends on how you want the light... Anti dot is good but over dose kills remember... bringing why I would love to work with the moon... I go for the Illuminati #666 truth and prove... Let free humanity for religion slavery...we are the lights!

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Jacques demolay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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